Friday, 21 December 2018

Monday, 8 October 2018

October. Thanksgiving.

I like this holiday. We discuss with students not only symbols of the holiday, but also about things around us that we should be thankful. Also, we need to remember that the words "thank you" can help you to share your love.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Sincerely yours,

Friday, 28 September 2018

September, 2018

We have started our learning year with soft pastel.

There are a lot of knowledge and skills that we practice behind these pictures: mass drawing and lines, theory of colors and many others.  
More pictures you can find in Gallery Enjoy

Sncerely, yours

Friday, 31 August 2018

School days are coming

We still can enjoy warm days and flowers, but it is already the end of summer.

 Parents with children are shopping for pens, pencils, books and others to be ready for school. Teachers have made last preparations for the students' arrival. We all will be involved in the school routine very soon.

Drawing lessons cannot be routine however. Even if we use the same media during the lesson, the results are always different. Students learn through the creative process not only the theory of color, which kind of paper to use, how to get certain brushstroke but also the opportunity to prove oneself.

Classes begin on the 4th of September for children aged 4-12. An approximate schedule of sessions and classes can be found here: Schedule

 Sincerely yours,


Friday, 27 July 2018

Summer impressions.

Summer time... trips, visits and many other impressions.

Grodno. Belаrus.

Wonderful city, people and nature. I was happy to visit the city this year. 


Wednesday, 16 May 2018

May, 2018

 We were waiting for spring time very long time. Finally,  it is warm and nice in Calgary.

Great time to get inspiration from outside. Spring blossom! Mother's Day!  New born bunnies and kittens... and many others.

We were practicing with different media during the year. Now we can choose not only the object for the project,but also media to full fill the task. More pictures you can find in Gallery

Sincerely yours,

Thursday, 12 April 2018

April, 2018.

 Happy Easter!

Its finally April....Spring... however the snow outside does not convince me. With the joyous holiday of Easter and the upcoming "spring" season, we have been working hard on multiple different projects.

 We prepared presents and decorated Easter eggs.

Unfortunately,I did not manage to make pictures of everything, but there are still multiple new pictures in the Gallery for you to enjoy.

 I am also in the process of taken, a wonderful course with SAGA

 I also continue, my work on icons:
 Sincerely yours,


Monday, 26 March 2018

March, 2018

We are continuing to work with brushes:

We learned how to make different brushstrokes with round brushes.

I try to teach students to enjoy practicing different position of the hand with a brush. It is like a game "What mark I can get if I hold it different way"

Mandala art, tradition art of different countries teach us brush strokes perfectly.

All of our experiments and brushwork  prepare our hands to make something decorative, for example: Easter eggs or presents for our friends.

Our pictures you can look at Gallery