Sunday, 26 May 2013

“Let’s Draw Happiness”

Spring finally made it to Calgary as well. With the sun shining bright, the flowers started springing up, everything turns green. I have only been living in Calgary for 5 years now, and I still can’t get used to the swiftness of its spring. Piles of snow coupled with cold wind, overnight turn into green grass and hot summer sun and all of a sudden everyone is wearing shorts. Only a couple of days ago there wasn’t even a sign of any leaves on trees and now they are rustling on every branch there is. Everything is growing and springing to life so fast, you can almost hear it. 

There is so much that happened over spring, that I don’t even know where to start…First I would like to talk about the international arts exhibition called “Let’s Draw Happiness”.

Everything began when I first stumbled upon the website of Mila Naumova and…I got sucked in. She is great! Working on the program of my art lessons, I sometimes peek at what other teachers do to solve a certain type of problem. When I saw the consistency and the presentation of the materials, the amount of passion and love Mila puts in her work, I thought “That’s how it is done” and became a constant visitor on her website. I took a couple of her lessons to teach to my students and even bought her book to lend to those people, who has the wrong impression about their inability to draw, even though they have always dreamed of it. 

I have always admired people that love what they do and are willing to share that passion and energy with others and this is precisely what Mila Naumova does. As a regular visitor of her website I was given the opportunity to send my student’s works to participate in an international art contest “Let’s Draw Happiness”. And now I’m sharing this happiness with you. All this certificates are in Russian language, sorry about that. The site is new , but very interesting.  

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